11 February 2006

Hello all! I know I haven't been keeping up with my posting *pouts* But between work and school what free time I do have is spent with la fiancee and knitting, usually both! In other news, did my taxes the other day and it's looking like I'll have enough to get a spinning wheel. Not the one I really want cause I'm only getting 317 dollars back (the one I wants about 500) but there is one that's actually made out of PVC piping, and while it doesn't fit the whole traditional feel I wanted with a spinning wheel, at about 170 dollars it fits the budget! XD Rogue's coming along well, and I've broken my promise I've started about a billion other projects lol Sometimes Yarn just calls my name!! XD

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

c'mon, more posting! :)
*your SP